VIDEOS 》 Porting Sample libpcap C code to Raw Sockets | User-space Network Stack Framework

I shot multi-episode video series on sample libpcap user-space C code, which you can refer HERE. And long ago I shot multi-episode video series on sending custom packets via raw-sockets which you can refer HERE. So here is my multi-episode video series where I demonstrate how you can port the same libpcap sample code, discussed in the earlier episode(s) to raw-socket. This code should further help you to design and architect your own user-space Network stack on top of this fundamental framework.

Refer my other video series on:
Linux (user-space) RAW Socket Programming - https://the-linux-channel.the-toffee-project.o ...
Online Course - Linux TUN/TAP virtual network interfaces - https://the-linux-channel.the-toffee-project.o ...
libpcap Library | Linux User-space Network Stack Development - https://the-linux-channel.the-toffee-project.o ...
Layer-2 (L2) Multicast Frame Deep Analysis - http://the-linux-channel.the-toffee-project.or ...
Linux Kernel net_device data-structure - https://the-linux-channel.the-toffee-project.o ...

Also refer:
Wiki Multicast Address - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multicast_address
tcpdump and libpcap project - https://www.tcpdump.org/
libpcap github - https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap