Videos :: The Linux Channel

Watch on Youtube - [302//0] x26c libpcap Library | Sample example libpcap C code | User-space Network Stack Framework - Part 2 ↗
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☆ Video Episodes :: Linux Kernel programming ↗

☆ Video Episodes :: Linux Kernel Network Programming ↗

☆ Video Episodes :: Linux (user-space), Systems Architecture and Networking ↗

Watch on Youtube - [1950//0] 157 Wireshark - Investigate TCP-Connections with Wireshark Flow Graph feature ↗

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☆ Video Episodes :: Raspberry Pi ↗

☆ Video Episodes :: OpenWRT Embedded Linux OS for Network Routers ↗

☆ Video Episodes :: FreeBSD ↗

Video Episodes :: For Students

CEO, CTO Talk ↗
Saturday' 01-Jan-2022

How to start Open-Source Project ↗
Saturday' 01-Jan-2022

Job and Career Advice ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Management ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Roadmap - How to become Systems Software Developer ↗
Friday' 13-May-2022
When you are at the beginning of your career or a student, and aspire to become a software developer, one of the avenues to choose is to become a hard-core Systems Software Developer. However it is easier said than done, since there are many aspects to it as you explore further. As a part of systems developer, you can get into core kernel space developer, kernel device drivers developer, embedded developer and get into things like board bring-up, porting, etc, or can become a user-space systems programmer, and so on. So here is my detailed multi-episode Youtube video series on Roadmap - How to become Systems Software Developer.

Linux Software Development and Tools ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Software Programming Standards (Coding Standards) ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

B.E(B.Tech, B.S) and M.E(M.Tech, M.S) Collage Final Year Projects ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

C Programming Language Basics - Pointers in C ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

☆ Video Episodes :: Installation and Setup ↗

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